Younger Club Members
MK Lakeside Runners are insured to take runners aged 12 and over. However, in order to comply with our insurance policy and protect both members and leaders, a number of conditions apply.
[expand title=”Runners aged 16 to 18 years old” Tag = H4]
These runners can pay membership fees and join the club as a full member, however, due to their age, they must be accompanied by a responsible adult who is taking part in the same session. This means that if the parent or guardian cannot make a session for some reason, then the young runner will not be allowed to run with the club for that session, also the younger runner cannot take part in a 10k run whilst their parent or guardian does the 5k option or vice versa.
[expand title=”Runners aged 12 to 15 years old” Tag = H4]
Given our experience of running with this age group, we strongly recommend that this is not the appropriate club for them and will not accept membership fees from people aged under 16. MK Athletics is a much better option as the coaches will aim the session specifically at their stage of development and they will be with similarly aged children. However, we do appreciate that there may be occasions where younger runners join us even though they are not members of the club. These runners must be accompanied by a responsible adult who is with them at all times. In addition to the points above, this means that the parent or guardian must actually run with the younger runner at all times. If the parent or guardian is a faster runner, they MUST slow down to run with the younger runner. If however, the younger runner is faster, then either they need to slow down, or another responsible adult must be identified to accompany them – this cannot be a leader who is looking after the whole group as they are not able to devote the entire run to one person.
[expand title=”Runners aged under 12” Tag = H4]
We are not insured for any runners under the age of 12.
[expand title=”Runners with Buggies” Tag = H4]
For those of you who wish to run with your child in a buggy, then this is covered by our insurance too. We must stress that an appropriate risk assessment is undertaken, before bringing your child along to a session. A self assessment guide is available from the club website. The main points to consider are:
1. You must run with a proper running buggy which has 3 wheels and a 5 point harness to secure your child.
2. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to run with child and not expect other people to take over
3. The session must be suitable, ie sprint training and hill reps are probably not, whereas a 5k or 10k run will be.
4. You must be considerate of other runners and be careful not to block their progress unduly.
5. You should anticipate that running with a buggy is more difficult than your usual run, so we advise you do the shorter runs to start with to get used to it