To confirm, all members are invited to our AGM for 2017 which will take place at 7.30pm on Friday 19th May at Milton Keynes Village Hall.
The address is Willen Rd, Milton Keynes, MK10 9AF.
As members of the club, everyone is welcome to come. The current committee will update you on what’s been happening at the club over the last year, how your club funds have been spent and take suggestions as to how members would like funds to be used going forward.
If you have anything you would like to add to the agenda, complaints, praise, ideas or anything else please email them to by 4th May 2017.
If anyone would like to stand for ANY of the committee roles then also please email – all roles are voted for each year – and any member can stand should they wish to do so.
Anyone who wishes to stand for a committee position must be nominated and seconded, this can be done by sending an e-mail to We would like all nominations in by 4th May 2017 please.
The Agenda is as follows:
1. Approval of Minutes of 2016 AGM
2. Report of the Club Secretary
3. Report of the Treasurer
4. Election of Committee
6. Additional Matters Raised By Members
7. Provisional Date for 2018 AGM
8. Chairperson’s Comments
~Adding an additional comment from me (Dave Lewis) there will be tea and biscuits as well~