Rules and Constitution
The name of the club is MK Lakeside Runners, hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.
The Club shall at all times be affiliated to the South of England Athletic Association and the Buckinghamshire County AAA.
a. The Club shall encourage amateur athletics in the local area.
b. The Club shall promote all standards of running in the local area.
c. The Club shall be non-profit making apart from providing a secure financial base from which to organise the club.
The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee consisting of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two General Committee Members. The Officers and Committee are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The Committee shall have the power between AGMs to elect Subcommittees to manage specific tasks.
The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur between AGMs.
In the event that a Committee Member(s) misses three consecutive meetings, the Committee shall have the power to replace him/her if there are no reasonable extenuating circumstances.
A quorum consisting of three Committee Members including at least one General Committee Member shall be required at each meeting.
Any individual may be a member of the Club, on full payment of the appropriate subscription, subject to the approval of the Committee, and have equal rights with any other member. The Club aims to ensure that all Members irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, creed, colour or sexual orientation have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in running sessions organised by the Club; that is as a participant, administrator or official.
Members renewing subscriptions must pay by 31st October and 30th April each year. Failing this, membership will be deemed to have lapsed and new Member rules apply. Lapsed Members are not eligible to enter events under the Club name.
New membership will commence when the form of application has been completed in full, signed, payment of subscription made and approved by the Committee.
The Committee reserves the right to withdraw membership from a member if the member infringes the Amateur Athletic Association rules or brings the Club into disrepute.
Members who wish to join another affiliated club must formally resign and then follow SEAA rules to transfer.
A parent or legal guardian must approve membership for all applicants under the age of eighteen.
Membership categories may be set at a general meeting and should reflect the best interests of the Club.
Subscription rates will be approved at the AGM and will be due on 31st October and 30th April each year.
The Committee shall have the power to expel any member whose subscription is twelve months in arrears provided one month’s notice in writing shall have been sent to such member by a registered or recorded letter, addressed to his/her last known address, informing him/her of the proposed action of the committee.
The name and address of any pe4rson so expelled from the Club shall be sent to the South of England AA who shall enter his/her name in a book (to be called “The Suspension Book”) to be kept for that purpose. Every person whose name has been entered shall be banned from competing at a meeting held under the UK Athletic rules until the liability causing his/her said expulsion, which shall not exceed one year’s subscription, shall have been discharged. If in arrears, the suspended member is ineligible to take part in any competition promoted by the Club.
The annual accounts are to be prepared up to 31st March each year by the Treasurer and shall be presented to the AGM.
The Club funds shall be kept in a bank account(s) as designated by the Committee and managed by the Treasurer. The following Officers shall be authorised to sign the Club cheques: Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
In the event of the Club ceasing to exist as a viable athletics club, the funds and other properties shall be applied to further objectives of the Club and at no time shall they be distributed to the Members or past Members.
A General Meeting shall be held during September each year for the following purposes:
a. To receive the Treasurer’s Report, Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for the immediately preceding year.
b. To elect a Committee as set out above under “Constitution”.
c. To receive a report on all the activities of the Club in the last 12 months.
d. To set subscriptions for the following year commencing 1st October.
e. To deal with any other business as set out in the Notice convening the Annual General Meeting.
The Secretary shall publish a Notice of the forthcoming AGM at least 14 days in advance. Any business which it is desired to be included in the Agenda must be given to the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Nominations for the Officers and Committee Members can be made either prior to the AGM or at the appropriate time during the Meeting.
At a General Meeting all fully paid up Members shall have one vote, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote if required. The meeting will be open to the public. Members may vote to exclude non-Members for part of the meeting if necessary.
A person, other than a Member of the Committee shall be appointed by the membership at the Annual General Meeting to preside over the meeting while the post of Chairman is being filled.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by the Committee if it deems this necessary or after the submission of a request by at least 10 Club Members. At least seven days’ notice must be given to all Members when such a meeting is called.
The rules may only be altered by approval of an AGM or EGM with a majority of at least two thirds of the present and eligible voting Members.
Any matter not provided for by these rules shall be dealt with by the Committee for the time being and it has no power to delegate this authority.