Present |
Apologies | Paul Manning
Hilary Manning Elaine Graham
31 members were present at the meeting.
Subscriptions for year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013
It was agreed that that the club subscription for the year April 2012 to March 2013 will be £30. In arriving at this amount, the Committee decided that this level of subscription would cover the cost of coaching courses and first aid courses for qualified Leaders in Running Fitness, UK Athletics club and individual affiliation, hire of hall for AGM, Club Awards evening, website administration, Club training vest, track sessions and stationery.
Members did not believe that new starters should be charged an additional £10 as a joining fee so that this was removed from the proposal.
Subscriptions are to be paid in full by the end of April and payment can be made either by cheque or by internet banking. Details of the latter can be obtained from the Treasurer, Kevin Kemp.
The motion was carried – 28 votes in favour of the proposal.
The question about beginners’ fees and their subsequent lead into full club membership was raised. It was decided that it was not possible to discuss this in more detail at a general meeting but that it would be discussed at the next meeting of the Club Committee committee in 2 weeks time. Should a member have any views about this, we would be pleased to receive these as soon as possible, so that these can be circulated amongst committee members prior to discussion.
Change of location
There was much discussion regarding a possible move of location in order to have free parking. The proposal to move to near Willen Pavilion did not look feasible as there was very limited lit parking and the location generally is much quieter than the current meeting point, giving some concerns over security. Most members also felt the lack of toilet facilities would be a problem.
In view of this, it was decided not to vote on the proposal and that more investigation would need to be undertaken. It was noted that the committee is happy for any member to take on this research and present their findings to a future committee meeting.
With regard to the parking permit at the present location, members were advised that the club will no longer give an additional subsidy, but that they could still be obtained at a reduced rate from Whitecap Leisure (£70 per member rather than £120), via the Club Secretary, Jane.
Confirmation of Head Coach
It was agreed that Richard Tearle be appointed Head Coach and would head-up and coordinate sessions with the other leaders.
The motion was carried – 26 votes in favour of the proposal.
New Website
Thanks were recorded to Marian for all her work in setting up the new website. In answer to a question, it was stated that the old website would not continue as this was an unnecessary expense for the sake of keeping old running records.