At the club EGM held on 12th March, the following was agreed:
- That the club subscription for the year April 2012 to March 2013 will be £30. This is to be paid in full by the end of April and payment can be made either by cheque or by internet banking. Details of the latter can be obtained from the Treasurer, Kevin Kemp.
- That Richard Tearle b…e appointed Head Coach and would head-up and co-ordinate sessions with the other leaders.
There was much discussion regarding a possible move of location and it was agreed that more investigation into this will need to be taken by members. The committee is happy for any member to take on this research and present any findings to a future committee meeting.
The question about beginners’ fees and their subsequent lead into full club membership was raised and it was not possible last night to discuss this in more detail. This is something that is going to be discussed at the next committee meeting in 2 weeks time. Should a member have any views about this, we would be pleased to receive these as soon as possible, so that these can be circulated amongst committee members prior to discussion.
As I remarked at the EGM, I think it is important that all members are aware of what is happening with your club and especially how your subscription is being used.
I would like to thank all those members who turned up to such an important meeting last night. The club committee have worked extremely hard over the last few weeks to help build morale and it was appreciated to see so many members face to face.
With regard to the parking permit – it was agreed that the club will no longer subsidise the permit, but that this could still be obtained at a reduced rate from Whitecap Leisure(£70 per member rather than £120), via the Club Secretary, Jane.
Val Hall
13th March 2012